Wiley Nickel is a father, husband, criminal defense attorney, and former state senator who has been a champion for protecting North Carolina’s environment and democracy.
Early in his career, Nickel worked on the national advance staff for Vice President Al Gore, and later President Barack Obama. In 2018 and 2020, he was elected to represent the 16th District in the North Carolina Senate, where he advocated strongly for climate action and an equitable democracy while serving on the Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resource Committee and the Judiciary Committee. He led on a number of environmental bills, including “polluter pays” legislation. He also fought for banning the further pollution of PFAS into our air and water. On the Redistricting Committee, he advocated for fair maps and introduced the “We The People” Act to get dark money out of politics. Nickel also supported legislation that would establish online and automatic voter registration, establish an independent redistricting commission, and expand access to early voting.
As a representative, Nickel will continue fighting for North Carolina’s working families, to hold polluters accountable, for climate action, and to fund protections for the state’s coastlines and wildlife. As a state senator, he had earned a 90% lifetime score on North Carolina’s LCV’s legislative scorecard.
Nickel joins the U.S. House in North Carolina’s newly redrawn 13th Congressional District.
In his own words:
“As a state Senator, I’ve fought for investments in clean and affordable energy, and protections for clean drinking water and clean air. In Congress, I’m committed to continuing to work hard to make sure our children have a healthy environment for generations to come.”
– LCVAF Press Release