WASHINGTON, DC – League of Conservation Voters (LCV) President of Gene Karpinski released this statement on the President’s veto of the Keystone XL Pipeline bill:
“We’re thrilled that President Obama has taken the very important step of vetoing the bill to approve the dirty and dangerous Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. This veto, along with the president’s increasing public skepticism about Keystone XL, and his incredible leadership on a wide range of environmental issues, including climate change, renewable energy, clean water, national monuments, and the Arctic Refuge, makes us more confident than ever that the president will reject the permit itself once and for all.
“According to LCV’s recent poll, the American people overwhelmingly believe that if the president decides to reject the permit for Keystone XL, Congress should respect his decision and move on to other pressing issues. As the president put it so well in his State of the Union address, ‘We must set our sights higher than a single pipeline.’ We couldn’t agree more and hope the Republican leadership will come to its senses and get serious about a clean energy future.”