Press Releases

LCV Calls for Trump to Withdraw Kavanaugh Nomination

Sep 27, 2018

Alyssa Roberts, 202-454-4573,

Washington, D.C. — The League of Conservation Voters released the following statement on today’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing:

“We respect the bravery and courage of Dr. Blasey Ford for coming forward and testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“The credible allegation of sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh, combined with the unprecedented refusal of the administration and Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to re-open the FBI background investigation, clearly disqualify Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court. President Trump should immediately withdraw Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination out of respect for survivors of sexual assault, the rule of law, and to avoid further demeaning the integrity of the Court.”

LCV is committed to promoting clean, safe, and healthy communities, and publicly stated its opposition to Kavanaugh’s nomination in July based on his extensive anti-environmental record.