Phoenix, AZ – Following President Trump’s reported decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Jennifer Allen, League of Conservation Voters’ Arizona-based senior vice president of Community & Civic Engagement, released the following statement:
“The Trump administration’s inhumane decision to subject people, particularly young people, to live in fear sabotages the community’s capacity and future and devalues a generation of young people who are deeply rooted and invested in this country’s future. We must ensure that all people who call this country home have the safety, stability and legal means to fully participate and contribute to their communities and our nation. As with a breathtaking array of the Trump administration’s appalling actions, LCV strongly opposes today’s action.”
Las Vegas, NV – The following is a statement by Rudy Zamora, director of Chispa Nevada, a community organizing program of the League of Conservation Voters:
“I know the feeling – the worry, the anxiety – my community is facing. As someone who lived my entire life without documentation, I know what it means to live in the shadows. When DACA first came out, I was in the process of getting my green card. And even then, the uncertainty was frightening. Last year, I became a citizen and proudly voted in my first election. Today, it pains me to know that those in situations similar to mine may never know this pride, because the Trump administration has stripped them of the opportunity to formally belong to the nation they call home.
The Latino community has seen so much progress since DACA was first enacted by President Obama – we’ve seen our community step up on the biggest issues of our lifetime, not only on immigration or fair wages – but we’re taking action to protect our environment. We have grown our political power to have a voice, even if we aren’t all afforded a vote.
Today we stand not only as an ally, but as people who easily could be in the shoes of dreamers.”