House Representative




Headshot of Representative Morgan McGarvey.

Morgan McGarvey is the former Democratic leader of the Kentucky Senate who has advocated for creating good-paying clean energy jobs and protecting clean air and water for Kentucky communities.

McGarvey was born in Louisville, Kentucky. He received a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and a law degree from University of Kentucky College of Law. In his early career, McGarvey worked as special assistant to the attorney general of Kentucky. He is also a practicing attorney. In 2012, McGarvey was elected to the Kentucky Senate for District 19. In 2018, McGarvey became minority floor leader for the Kentucky Senate, one of the youngest members of a General Assembly in the nation to serve in a leadership role.

As a representative, McGarvey will support federal incentives to dramatically expand renewable energy buildout, infrastructure spending, and tax incentives for consumer purchase of union-made and American-made electric vehicles.

McGarvey joins the U.S. House to fill the seat of retiring Representative John Yarmuth, who earned a 94% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.

In his own words:

“I believe that climate change is an existential threat. I want my kids and everyone’s kids to inherit a livable world in which they don’t have to constantly deal with natural disasters like last December’s tornadoes that devastated entire communities in Western Kentucky, or increasingly regular extreme flooding in Eastern Kentucky.”
– LCVAF Questionnaire