House Representative




Headshot of Representative Jonathan Jackson.

Jonathan Jackson is a business professional, Chicago native, and civil and human rights activist who is committed to advancing a clean energy economy, achieving environmental and social justice, and promoting economic opportunities for families and communities.

Jackson is a business professor at Chicago State University and has worked as an advocate, investment analyst, business owner, and teacher over the course of his career. In 2007, Jackson became the national spokesperson for the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, where he advocated for juvenile justice issues around Chicago. He has also worked on issues relating to the closures of Chicago Public Schools, wrongful convictions, public education, and charter schools, and advocated for a more just, accessible, and equitable democracy.

As a representative, Jackson will be a staunch defender of our democracy and advocate for climate justice, supporting the Green New Deal and other strong environmental provisions that will address the disproportionate impacts of climate change on historically oppressed communities.

Jackson joins the U.S. House to fill the seat of retiring Representative Bobby Rush, who earned an 82% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.

In his own words:

“Protecting the environment for generations to come must be more of a priority. Climate change is real and the climate crisis is affecting everyone but will have devastating effects on the health, economic opportunity and fundamental rights of children who deserve better. This requires a collaborative effort, from all involved, to fight and right this man-made crisis.”
– LCVAF Questionnaire