Today, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and the League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (LCVEF) boards are excited to welcome United Steelworkers (USW) International Vice President at Large Roxanne Brown, physician Dr. Lisa Minsky-Primus, and Innovo Foundation and Step Up in Crisis founder Ning Mosberger-Tang as LCV’s newest board members, as well as Washington Conservation Voters CEO Alyssa Macy as LCVEF’s newest board member.
“I couldn’t be more proud to welcome this amazing group of women to our boards,” said LCV and LCVEF Board Chair Carol M. Browner. “They each bring incredible expertise and passion for engaging policymakers and stakeholders to protect the environment, support workers, and promote democracy. The expertise of these new board members will help us advocate for solutions that value the intersection of climate, justice, and jobs.”
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund:
Alyssa Macy, Washington Conservation Voters CEO, will be joining the LCVEF board. Macy is a citizen of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Oregon and was raised on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. She is of Wasco, Navajo, and Hopi descent. Macy served her Nation as the chief operations officer and co-authored the first national report on Native American voting in 2005.
“I have seen firsthand how climate instability impacts frontline communities, who bear the most burden of toxic pollution and the climate crisis — and how these same communities have taken bold action to mitigate these impacts,” said Macy. “I’m honored to bring my passion for environmental justice to my work with LCVEF to help ensure that those most affected by environmental harm are at the table, informing and making decisions in meaningful ways.”
League of Conservation Voters:
Roxanne Brown, United Steelworkers International vice president at large, joins the LCV board, bringing more than 20 years of experience serving USW workers from the union’s Legislative and Policy Office. Brown was also a founding steering committee member of the BlueGreen Alliance.
“I have spent my career advocating for workers, and I am thrilled to join an organization that prioritizes the creation of high-quality, good-paying union jobs, clean energy infrastructure and American manufacturing,” said Brown. “When the labor and climate movements work together we can build a brighter future for everyone.”
Dr. Lisa Minsky-Primus, a physician and philanthropist, will join the LCV board, bringing experience in the area of strengthening democracy, reforming the criminal justice system, and creating pathways out of poverty around the world. Minsky-Primus is a trustee of the Center for Voter Information, and co-chair of the Advisory Board of the Pipeline Initiative, which works to build a bigger, stronger, and more diverse pipeline of progressive candidates to run for office.
“The link between a healthy community and a healthy democracy is clear,” said Minsky-Primus. “I am excited to join an organization that is committed to reforming our democracy and making sure that people — particularly people of color, young people, and people with disabilities who have been targeted and silenced by restrictive voting laws and partisan gerrymandering — have access to a more just and equitable democratic process.”
Ning Mosberger-Tang, founder of Innovo Foundation and board member of LCV affiliate Conservation Colorado, will also join the LCV board. She founded Step Up in Crisis and fundraised, procured and distributed millions of personal protection equipment to healthcare workers, low-income communities, communities of color, and Native American reservations. Mosberger-Tang also founded the Blue Wave Postcard Movement, which ran voter registration and GOTV postcard campaigns that reached more than 2.6 million households in eight battleground states.
”We must reform democracy to give power back to the people, which will refocus our government on their priorities like protecting the future of the planet,” said Mosberger-Tang. “Democracy is about showing up, and I am eager to use the lessons I’ve learned organizing people around voting to help an organization that shares my values.”