Press Releases

LCV Statement on the Release of House Interior and Energy and Water Appropriation Bills

Jun 27, 2024

Washington D.C– In response to the floor consideration of several appropriations bills loaded with anti-environmental poison pill policy riders and the release of the House Republican Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies and Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Acts which include provisions for mandatory oil and gas leasing, zeroing out funding for environmental justice initiatives, blocking improvements in public engagement and input for federal projects, and a 20% cut to EPA’s budget and more, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released the following statement from Senior Government Affairs Advocate David Shadburn:

“The climate-denying House Republican majority has introduced some of the worst anti-environmental funding bills ever proposed by Congress on the heels of a record-breaking heatwave. Extreme MAGA Republicans have shown time and time again that they are doing the bidding of Big Oil by attacking all of the historic climate progress the Biden-Harris administration has made, from attempting to roll back the historic climate progress in the Inflation Reduction Act to attacking landmark climate and public health rulemakings. Despite Congress rejecting these same poison pill provisions just a few short months ago, extreme House Republicans continue to force issues that will further harm communities through riders attacking racial justice, the LGBTQIA+ community, humane immigration policies, access to abortion, and more. We urge Congress to stop wasting time, reject these draconian spending cuts and outlandish poison pill riders, and get serious about protecting our communities and adequately funding government programs.”
